For a donation of a toonie or more, you can share the gift of Catholic education.
The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board is holding a Toonies for Tuition Campaign to support Canadian parents in accessing Catholic education for their children.
Proceeds from the annual campaign will be donated to the Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association’s (CCSTA) “Toonies for Tuition” fund which provides tuition assistance to Catholic students in provinces that receive limited or no public funding for Catholic schools. Last year, through the collective goodness of our schools, the HWCDSB raised over $25,000 to support students who otherwise would not have been able to attend Catholic schools.
Your change can be the change for thousands of families.
Please consider donating to this worthy cause.
Donations can be made online via School Cash Online. Under “Fund Destination” please select “Toonies for Tuition.”
The 2024-2025 Toonies for Tuition campaign ends on March 31, 2025.