registration for indigenous & international languages elementary program (IILEP)
Ongoing Registration
learn moreComputer Skills Upgrading & Computer Job Readiness Training
March 25-May 1, 2025
Computer Skills UpgradingJOb Readiness TrainingWelcome to St. Charles Adult and Continuing Education. St. Charles is pleased to be an integral part of your educational journey. Since 1985, St. Charles has established a tradition of delivering exceptional programs for adult students.
St. Charles provides opportunities for adults in completing a high school diploma, English as a Second Language, Academic Upgrading, Employment Training programs in Personal Support Worker and Culinary Arts, and General Interest courses. We have many programs that meet your goals and provide opportunities through different methods of delivery.
The HWCDSB encourages all incidences of bullying to be reported to the school principal. Recognizing that some individuals may not feel comfortable with direct reporting, the HWCDSB has set up a safe and anonymous way to report bullying. Students, parents/guardians and Catholic school community members can use the HWCDSB Anonymous Bullying Reporting Tool.